If you deiced to take a stroll around Ryogoku in Tokyo you will likely encounter a sumo wrestler going about their daily lives. Ryogoku in the Sumida district of Tokyo is the epicentre of sumo. It houses the majority of sumo stables in which wrestlers live and train. The iconic Kokugikan stadium, the sumo museum and the Sumo Nihon Kyokai (sumo association) are all stationed in Ryogoku. 


Sumo wrestlers are only permitted to wear traditional Japanese attire, a yukata or a kimono. A yukata is made of light cotton and is generally worn by lower ranked wrestlers in lighter shades. Lower ranked wrestlers are only permitted to wear wooden sandals ‘geta’. A Kimono is a more glamorous version of a yukata. Higher ranked wrestlers are permitted to wear kimonos in silk and in darker and more vibrant hues.